Pokémon-Prank: So herrlich spießt die Stadt Basel den Hype um Pokémon Go auf

Erstellt am 5 Aug 2016 in Allgemein, gamification, Generation Y 0 Kommentare

Dass ein Tourismus-Verband nicht nur altbackene Kampagnen erstellen, sondern auch ein Hype-Thema für sich nutzen kann, zeigt die Stadt Basel – und lässt Pokémon los.

Die Pokémon-Hysterie hat nicht nur die USA und Deutschland erfasst, auch in der Schweiz ziehen Menschen in Heerscharen durch die Straßen und jagen Pikachu, Glumanda und Co. In Basel schlagen die kleinen Fantasiewesen nun aber mit den gleichen Waffen zurück und machen ihrerseits Jagd auf Pokémon-Go-Spieler – zumindest in einem Prank-Video des örtlichen Tourismus-Verbands.


Quelle: Pokémon-Prank: So herrlich spießt die Stadt Basel den Hype um Pokémon Go auf

How to Train Your Millenials (Oracle University)

Erstellt am 4 Mrz 2016 in Allgemein, gamification, Generation Y 0 Kommentare

According to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, over a third of American workers today are millennials (adults ages 18 to 34 in 2015).

This year, millennials surpassed Generation X (those aged 35 to 50) to become the largest share of the American workforce. 

How does this increase in the number of millennials in the workplace affect an organization’s training strategy? 

It helps to understand how millennials think about training. 

“Millennials are eager to gain the skills that will ultimately allow them to become leaders in their field and be successful in their chosen industry,” according to an article in CIO

“And 54 percent have an interest in increasing their technical skills.”

An article in Chief Learning Officer says millennials have some expectations about learning. They have grown up using the Internet with personalized, on demand, and contextualized experiences. As a result, this is what they expect from training.

Dashe & Thomson, a training consultancy, published a blog entitled 5 Things Millennials Want From Training, which lists five tips for training millennials:

1. Provide learning resources, in one easy-to-access place, so employees don’t have to search all over the Internet for appropriate training.

2. Use gamification to engage employees and provide context.

3. Provide feedback to let employees know how much progress they’re making as they learn new skills.

4. Deliver training that has meaning, and give realistic reasons why a lesson will be helpful in the work environment.

5. Segment information by breaking learning into small sections; this approach works best for engaging the active minds of millennials and increasing their retention.

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Facilitating Math Learning with DreamBox Learning Platform – Gamification Co

Erstellt am 3 Mrz 2016 in Allgemein, gamification, Generation Y 0 Kommentare

Games in Education Helping to Create Mathematicians

Last year, teachers began to face an uphill battle after the increase of math standards in many states.  School districts nationwide commenced searching for a solution to fill in the learning gaps created by the jump in expectations, but with limited time and teachers, the task seemed almost impossible.   Since math is a “no pass” subject in certain levels of state testing, one game in education stands out as superior at helping teachers win the fight:  Welcome to DreamBox Learning!

Full article: Facilitating Math Learning with DreamBox Learning Platform – Gamification Co

Game on: how playing makes work fun

Erstellt am 20 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, gamification, Generation Y, Umgang mit Gen Y 0 Kommentare

game on

We advise financial services firms on how to transform their businesses, and this inevitably involves helping clients restructure who does what and how.

In recent years, we’ve seen the emergence of radical, technology-driven workforce transformation tools that are helping human resources executives deliver significant business results.

These tools include mobile learning and gamification, which can help in the process of change management – guiding people through a journey towards a specific business outcome.

Quelle: Game on: how playing makes work fun